Duraclean Master Cleaners

About Us

Fred Higgins

Who Are We?

My name is Fred Higgins, and I am the owner of Duraclean Master Cleaners. I have worked in the carpet and upholstery care industry since 1997. Although we are a small company, our goal is to deliver the absolute best possible results carpet cleaning Chelmsford ma for our customers each and every day. Our professional cleaning services are rated Number One thanks to my very dedicated technicians. They are motivated by only one thing: Your Total Satisfaction. We are so confident in the services we provide, that they are backed with this guarantee: If you are not absolutely thrilled with our service, we will come back to attempt to correct the issue, no questions asked. If you still aren’t satisfied with our efforts, we will refund 100% of your money. Period.

Why thousands have trusted Duraclean?

  • Friendly technicians doing outstanding work for reasonable rates
  • Superior, patented cleaning methods that no other company can offer
  • 30+ years experience
  • 100% money back guarantee
  • Drier, deeper cleaning with the Duraclean Premium process (comes with a one year stain and spot warranty)
  • Convenient scheduling
  • Specialists with not just cut pile carpeting, but Berbers, Orientals, and much more
  • Environmentally friendly non-toxic cleaning solutions available
  • Completely child and pet safe processes used
Berber Before and After

What Our Customers Have to Say